Urban Poling Inc is the leading manufacturer of high-performance walking poles geared towards both active rehabilitation, as well as fitness. Urban Poling Inc is focused on increasing mobility for every age, ability and fitness level.
One of the many areas that are benefiting from the evidence based and accredited educational programs offered by Urban Poling is in the area of supporting those with Parkinson’s Disease.
As part of Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Urban Poling is excited to invite you to a FREE Webinar: Restoring Gait & Finding a New Sense of Balance with Parkinson’s Every Step of the Way on April 28th, 2021. Join to learn about the life-altering impact of adding the evidence-based ACTIVATOR® Program to support those living with Parkinson’s. Hear testimonials from internationally recognized bloggers with PD, podcasters and worldwide rehabilitation professionals who have experienced the incredible benefits of using the ACTIVATOR® poles to improve balance, endurance, physical activity and mobility. Hear how these revolutionary poles have helped restore a more natural walking patter to reduce shuffling and poor posture and most importantly, promote peace of mind!
This FREE Webinar will be held on April 28th, 2021 at 7pm EST. To register and learn more visit: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_QDm5AfunTZyUmW2yCccU5A
Through Urban Poling’s accredited educational programs and uniquely designed and FDA approved poles, Urban Poling is helping people realize that their full potential is not only achievable but also sustainable, by doing exactly what their body was designed to do – move.