Access Control: DMIT and DMIP

Available from Wireless NurseCall Systems Inc.
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Our DMIT (Door Monitoring with Integrated Transmitting) and DMIP (Door Monitoring with Integrated Paging) devices allow for complete control of all pertinent doors within your facility.

The DMIT is a stand-alone device that, when activated, will send an alarm signal to our dedicated receiver network which will notify caregivers of an alarm situation at that particular door.

The DMIP is also a stand-alone device that has an integrated paging transmitter. This allows the device to operate in a facility that does not require a receiver network. Once activated the DMIP will send out a paging signal that will alert the caregivers of an alarm at the specific door.

Both of these devices are usually coupled with a delayed egress magnetic lock that will automatically engage when an alarm condition is met. The caregivers will then have to physically proceed to the door and input a keypad code in order to reset the alarm condition. The Wireless NurseCall Systems Access Control System (WNACS) provides complete control and fail-safe features that surpass most other systems available today.

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