PinPoint - Automatic, Digital Contact Tracing

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CarePredict PinPoint is a digital contact tracing solution designed to stop outbreaks in nursing homes and senior living facilities. The system consists of a smart wearable, CarePredict Tempo™, precise indoor location technology, and software for visualization and reporting. Pinpoint can accurately trace all the contacts an infected person had - with whom, where, when, and for how long, within seconds.

Contact Tracing: Identify all residents, staff, and visitors to the facility that had contact with a person under investigation (PUI). Know at a glance, which of these contacts is a high or low priority based on the duration of exposure.

Location Tracing: Quickly identify all rooms and areas in the facility that were visited by an infected individual.

Decontamination Plan: Focus your decontamination and disinfection efforts with visibility into the hotspots and specific areas visited by a suspected carrier and other highly frequented areas within the community.

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