Probiotic Air Solutions

1303 Golden Rod Dr
Mahomet, IL 61853

About Probiotic Air Solutions

We make it simple to protect everything you care about. BetterAir Environmental Probiotics are comprised of an organically cultured strain of probiotics called Bacillus ferment. Our patented technology works on a microscopic level and repetitively releases billions of micron sized probiotics to purify the air and clean surfaces and objects; resulting in a healthy microbiome. It is this healthy microbiome that allows your immune system to rest and recharge so it can protect you from what the world throughs at you.

Competitors of Probiotic Air Solutions

Greffen System Inc.

Greffen Systems Incorporated has been providing innovative technologies for the HVAC industry in both the public and private sectors since 2008. Greffen is your full-service UV-C germicidal light vendor. Greffen represents the leading UV-C providers in the industry and we are the only company... Read More


EnviroKlenz technology was originally created in a Dept of Defense commissioned research into the destruction of chem/bio warfare agents. Since using it for that purpose and serving multiple military contracts across the country, we realized the versatility of the technology and that people... Read More
