Menu Services and Solutions

Available from Carolina Nutrition Consultants
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Our team of Registered Dietitians, Certified Dietary Managers and Culinary Experts that combine expertise and talents to support the healthcare and restaurant industry. Healthcare menu solutions provide pleasure to residents and consumers while also meeting regulations and budgets.
Our Menu Systems include seasonal, holiday and emergency cycle menus.; base menu options that encompass current and regional menu trends and varied cooking levels that match the facility’s preferences. Cost management is achieved by estimating menu cost by recipe, meal, day or week; a Fortified Diet as a cost-effective food-based solution to minimize expense on supplements; collaboration with food vendors to create cost effective order guides; alliance with Group Purchasing Organizations to lower food cost and an affordable tray card system.
Our Tray Card System offers an ability to schedule seasonal, holiday and emergency menu sets created for your facility; option to obtain select menu choices via a tablet at table or bedside; personalize resident default menus; document likes/dislikes/preferences/allergies; customize and apply portion-size multipliers to residents to support intake, wound healing, weight control and more.
Our Resident Management System is HIPAA compliant, cloud-based & interfaces with many electronic medical records to minimize duplicate data entry; snack and supplement management and extensive report options.

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