Bingo Hall Plus

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Product Details

Bingo Hall Plus, our flagship software product, offers these valuable features:
* Optimized for 1366 X 768 screen resolution.
* Automatic, Timer, or Manual operation modes.
* Uncluttered and visually appealing screen layout.
* Optimized for patron enjoyment.
* Easy access to user setup (Utility Switchboard).
* Flexibility to meet YOUR needs.
* Main screen customizable display colors for added optimization.
* User customizable voice files (external to software).
* Pre-loaded with approximately 100 patterns, with ability to add your own.
* Ability to pre-schedule pattern flow for a seamless event.
* Ability to call up / pre-schedule Advertisement images that you create for main screen display.
* Ability to add a sound file to play associated with the Advertisement file.
* BINGO card creation (Using Bingo Rose perms).
* Ability to add / import other perm detail (User Cards).
* Winner verification (with pattern highlighting and option to highlight last number called).
* Wild ball / Wild row marking to identify balls not to call.
* Quick Draw, Bonus Ball, and Secret Ball functionality.
* Progressive number warning functionality.
* Show or hide miscellaneous screen elements.
* Prominent user logo area makes the software look proprietary.
* Game history reports.
* 5 visually different main screen display options.
* Access 2007 platform (Runtime installed with software. No need to have Access pre-installed).
Bingo Hall Plus sets a new standard of excellence in BINGO software design.

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