Fair Housing and Seniors Online Course

Available from Fair Housing Institute
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Senior housing presents unique challenges to the fair housing community. We want our senior residents to be treated fairly and cared for properly. To do this requires the right training to learn how fair housing laws affect your policies and procedures. The Fair Housing Institute has carefully created the right training that has a proven track record of helping you and your staff ensure you follow the best practices and avoid costly and time-consuming fair housing complaints.

Some of the topics covered:
- Introduction
- Housing discrimination
- Applicant screening/admissions
- Reasonable accommodations/modifications
- Transfer policies
- Scooter policies
- Failing health
- Death of a tenant
And more!

In this supplemental training course, we cover the unique fair housing challenges faced in the senior housing industry such as transfers, scooters, failing health, end-of-life issues, and much more. This includes any community that houses only seniors or where the majority of the residents are seniors. If you work in the senior housing industry, you can’t afford to miss this course!

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