Just Walkers

11840 West Market Place, Suite H
Fulton, MD 20759

About Just Walkers

Just Walkers provides premium products throughout the United States for people of all ages looking for the best mobility products for the lowest price. We understand the importance of choosing the perfect walking aid to fit your needs. With this in mind, we offer only the best mobility products, parts, and accessories including detailed information about each product to help you with your decision.

Competitors of Just Walkers


Our vision is to be the market leader in the healthcare industry by developing the most cost effective products combined with helpful clinical solutions. We are committed to continuously improving every part of our business through collaboration with our highly valued employees and... Read More

There is no reason a cane should make you look old! The ability to coordinate balanced movement between the left and right side of the body is the way humans learn to crawl and walk. This type of movement maintains upright posture, core strength and physical stability. Traditional canes... Read More